Changes is for Good

For a couple of weeks for the last two months my relationship is really on the rocks. Things between the two of us really consume me lot. Make it up in few days then here we come again, like cycle that I can`t prevent to happened no matter how I tried
We come to this point of ending the relationship, not even talking what`s really going on. Like, "okey, fine, that`s it I don`t wanna argue". The hell I care too! It`s a damn moment, that I do feel I`m not treated the way I deserved.
For two weeks we never talked, not seeing each other, even no text messages. And, it was just one Sorry that makes us together again and makes us realize how fool we are for making things complicated because of some changes to both of us and not talking it at all. Sometime we`re overshadow by our own emotions and blinded by our pride and insecurities because one has evolved and the other has been down.
We`re happy that we survived to the test of changes. And now we are more open to embrace changes in our life. We may evolved and grow as individual yet together as one.


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