Pushing Me to gain weight

If some women go to gym to lose extra weight and remove unwanted fats, I`m the opposite, I want to gain weight. Ever since I have skinny body, and it's too difficult for me to add extra pounds on my weight. My height is 5'4" so my ideal weight must be at least 49 kg to 54 kg, but sad to say, most often I`m just 48 kg. I'm underweight base on my height, though doctors says, I'm healthy :)

I want to push myself to have normal Body Mass index. So I really try to eat some extra foods.  But because of my fast metabolism, it's not that easy. I don't have much activities everyday, yet no matter how I eat a whole a lot, point something pound is really hard to gain.

Now, funny yet sweet , HiM also working it with me, since he don't have work yet. For about two weeks, he cook food for my baon. And he always make it with an extra amount of serving. And since, HiM make an effort for it, my conscience obliged me take it all.

I'm really aiming for this, for at least I could be 50 kg, same as one sack of rice.


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