Sour grapes behind Me

I can taste and smell "sour grapes" behind my back :)
Yes, I`m not an Engineer... who's claiming, anyway :D

I post this on my FB wall, but I don' want to be mean to anyone, just saying and perhaps this person having sour grape behind my back, will think twice before saying again anything against me or whatsoever. Knowing we're not close nor friends either.

Agree with me, it`s quite irritating when you know someone bashes you behind, especially on things you haven't done. If that`s because of  their insecurities, well, I have nothing to do with it. I don't claim to be good or nice at all, I have my insecurities too, but I never drag anyone down because of it. If I did, I`ll say "shame on you Geerlai!"


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